Yorkshire map

The maps on this website covering Yorkshire are our own unique Yorkshire.guide maps created by us from open data compiled by volunteer community contributors to the OpenStreetMap project.

The data is compiled through such means as GPS, local knowledge, photography, drawings and tracing of aerial imagery when permitted, but avoiding use of copyright data of other maps.

It should be noted that the mapping of Yorkshire is not complete and not all data is fully up-to-date.

Some areas are exceptionally well detailed, sometimes better than other maps, while other areas have only sparse information.

Like all maps, these maps rely on being updated from time to time and the recent decimation of services in small to medium-sized and sometimes large towns in Yorkshire over just a few years has sometimes left features such as banks, post offices, libraries, pubs, public conveniences, police stations and fire stations showing for a while after they have been closed. We try to carry out these updates where possible, but also rely on the OpenStreetMap database being updated by others. Please read on to the end of the page to find out how you can help.

Some Yorkshire towns have more detailed maps available at extra zoom-in levels. Outside these areas, the highest zoom-in level is not available and you will need to zoom out again to see the map.

It is your responsibility to assess the suitability and completeness of any map you are using for the purpose you intend to use it. For example, the Yorkshire.guide map does not currently include contour information and would not be appropiate for mountain hikes. It will not include marine navigation information and is therefore an unsuitable type of map where that information is important.

If you wish to add to or correct any of the details on the map, you are free to join contributors at  OpenStreetMap. Changes made to the data there will over time be reflected in our maps as well as the OpenStreetMap map and those maps created by other users of the database.

The maps you see at Yorkshire.guide come directly from Yorkshire.guide and we are grateful for the  Leaflet open source JavaScript library for helping us to efficiently display the maps.

Yorkshire.guide map artwork ©Yorkshire.guide | Created using Open Database Licence data ©  OpenStreetMap contributors

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